Friday, April 1, 2011

Grand Theft Auto 4: The King of Video Game Controversy

All Hail The King of Controversial Games This game is by far the most boundary pushing game in the history of video games. There is a reason why this game is called a murder simulator and a terrorist simulator, because that is what the core of this game is all about, murder and terrorism. You play a character named Nico Bellic, who used to be with the Serbian Army. He moves to America to track down a traitor and ends up cleaning up his cousins messes through any means neccesary. In this game you can do alot of sick things, such as shoot an old lady in a face, carjack innocent people, kill cops, steal, and blow things up. In this game you can kill and destroy with very fake consequences. It's not a suprise why this game is boycotted by plenty of groups, and is not sold to minors. This game is indeed a murder and terrorism simulator, but honestly, that is what makes it as fun as it is. It is quite possibly the best stress releif someone who owns video games can ask for. As for cases that directly involve this game, in every case, it involves unsupervised kids, and that isn't a generalization. EVERY case involves it. A kid by that age should know that it is quite impossible to enter a cheat code in real life, get a plethora of weapons, and go on a shooting rapampage and cripple the police force with minimal consequences. If they don't, you fail as a parent. Kids should not have this game. It is rated mature for a reason. Be a smart adult and limit your kids. But if they get thier hands on it, you do your job and teach them the dangers, otherwise there is nothing more you can do. Get off the game developers' backs because they aren't at fault. That is all there is to it.

Call of Duty: Black Ops and The Possible American Ambition?

Title Logo. Cool. Very Cool.
Call of Duty is a very fun game. It's taken up alot of hours spent at people's houses just hammering away at the controller. You think that killing people in a covert operations setting all over the world would be contreversial, but that isn't the source of controversy of this game. The source of controversy for this game lies within that fact that in one of the missions, you assassinate what seems to be an in game copy of Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba. Lots of patriotic Cubans took offense to this and labeled the American Game developers for pushing the agenda of assasinating Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro himself found this humourus, and not offensive. He thought of it as merely a fiction to push the plot of the game, which is what most people should have done when playing this game. Besides, there is a mode in which you can actually play as Fidel Himself and kill zombies. The whole point of that point in which you assasinate Fidel, it's only to advance the plot within the game. Fidel himself isn't a horrible person and no-one in the States feel he should be killed, so suggesting otherwise is foolish and baseless.

Mortal Kombat: Latest Installment of Violent Fun

Mortal Kombat has always been a controversial title. Even from it's earliest games it had vast amounts of violence and gore that only improved visually as graphics improved. Ever since the first game, Fox News has been on it's trail. With the 9th Mortal Kombat being released, It's only natural that people would find the intense visuals to be controversial this time around, considering each game of theirs have been as well.

This game as well as its previous installments, features fatalities, which are brutal ways of completely demolishing your opponent. Ways include breaking bones, ripping off limbs, stabbing, crushing and any thing painful you can probably think of. The visuals when these fatalities occur are funny, embarrassing for the opponent and for the most part very gory. The 9th Game features x-ray attacks, in which when the attack lands, you are shown the damage in x-ray vision so you see what bones break and what organs are damaged. It's obvious to see how this game would be controversial. The gore is intense enough to give even the most grown men nightmares. The sheer violence of this game is astounding. Parents are complaining that this game desensitizes kids to violence, and that it does.

After seeing some of the things I've seen from watching the trailers for this game, no amount of gore really shocks me as much. But still, if you don't want your kids playing this game, then regulate what your kid plays as best you can. This game is indeed very disturbing and I don't think kids should be exposed to this. But even if they were exposed to this, besides a few nightmares, I don't think that this game could have any adverse effect on the child's brain besides thinking artificial violence is cool. And since artificial violence is cool, I don't really see aproblem.

Farmville Kills

Looks Harmless, Doesn't It

A game such as this shouldn't be harmless. In fact this game isn't even your conventional video game. It is a browser based game played online through Facebook. Farmville is all the rage from kids to teens to adults and to grandpas. In it, you play a farmer tending to virtual livestock and crops. Who knew that this game had controversial addictive qualities to it?

The Killer Herself

In a Jacksonville Courthouse, Alexandria Tobias pleaded guilty to murder charges under atrocious circumstances. Her baby was crying while she was playing, and so she shook the baby, stopped to smoke a cigarette to compose herself, then she shook the baby again before calling 911. It was only after she was investigated and interrogated when she fully confessed. After the trial concluded, people started to flag Farmville as the secret culprit.

After interviews with Journalists, the creators of Farmville revealed that they have a behaviour psychologist on staff so they can purposefully engineer the game to be addictive. The purpose of this they insist is only to gain popularity and nothing more. This has garnered so much controversy simply because a game that simple can be so addicting. People are complaining that this game is stealing peoples lives, which is stupid, considering that common willpower is enough to stop playing a game with no other addictive qualities besides habitual game play. This game is addicting yes, but Alexandria Tobias is mentally unstable as well. No stable person in their right mind would kill their child for interrupting a game. The addictiveness of this game can be time consuming, but in no way is it life consuming. You can't blame an innocent game for making a mentally unstable person into a killer. You can however be smart and blame the fact that she is mentally unstable.

Mass Effect III: Effect En Masse?

Mass Effect is a SciFi Fantasy trilogy made famous by Xbox and Bioware (which is a Canadian company). The final chapter in this immersive trilogy; Mass Effect III, is set to be released sometime in the last quarter in 2011, and already it is stirring up controversy, much like the 2 titles previous (Mass Effect I and II).

Mass Effect I had a segment on Fox News which erroneously suggested that it was a game that gave the kids the "hit it and quit it" mentality associated with irresponsibly sexual adults as well as random violence in general. In truth, the game featured romances with the female characters, but nothing random and untasteful and the violence was optional depending on how you wanted to mold your character's personality. In the end, Fox News just wanted another thing to blame the eventual downfall of soceity on and so they missed out on one of the best trilogy video games have to offer.

In Mass Effect II, in order to avoid the media frenzy from Mass Effect I, they toned down the sex scenes to the point where for all we know, they could be playing cards in the bedroom. Thank the heavens they didn't tone down the violence. Even so, people still found the game had too much of a focus on sexuality, even at the supremely toned down level. In reality, perhaps 10% of the game is focused on a relationship. It's not even the main focus of the game, you can skip the option all together. In my opinion, this controversy is needless!

For the third and final game, the rating of it is pending. Even so, developers said that this time they were going to answer to nobody but still within the confines of tasteful relationships. I'm not sure if Fox News is going to get grubby with this one again, but I hope not. Still, some mothers find the need to protest the release of this game simply because of it's sexual content. I think that if parents are that concerned about a video game teaching children about sex, they should get off thier butts and do it themselves. That way us gamers can simply enjoy games without being harped about something that shouldn't even be flagged as something sexually inappropriate, especially considering that it is not.

In the end, it is up to parents to be conscious of what thier children do. If they see something sexual and they don't know what it is, instead of keeping this plethora of knowledge from them, why not just teach them yourselves like how a parent should?