Friday, April 1, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops and The Possible American Ambition?

Title Logo. Cool. Very Cool.
Call of Duty is a very fun game. It's taken up alot of hours spent at people's houses just hammering away at the controller. You think that killing people in a covert operations setting all over the world would be contreversial, but that isn't the source of controversy of this game. The source of controversy for this game lies within that fact that in one of the missions, you assassinate what seems to be an in game copy of Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba. Lots of patriotic Cubans took offense to this and labeled the American Game developers for pushing the agenda of assasinating Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro himself found this humourus, and not offensive. He thought of it as merely a fiction to push the plot of the game, which is what most people should have done when playing this game. Besides, there is a mode in which you can actually play as Fidel Himself and kill zombies. The whole point of that point in which you assasinate Fidel, it's only to advance the plot within the game. Fidel himself isn't a horrible person and no-one in the States feel he should be killed, so suggesting otherwise is foolish and baseless.

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